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PHP Exchange Web Services library.
2017-10-03 Update

Once again, I find myself apologizing for the delay. As it often does, life has gotten in the way, but I’ve found some time to review recent issues and ensure that there are no major issues that would prevent a release. Which leads me to the purpose of this update.

Version 1.0.0 of php-ews has been released and can be found on GitHub. If you are using composer, can run composer update. Version 1.0.0 of php-ntlm has also been released. If you have set the minimum-stability option in your composer.json you may now remove it.

This release is largely identical to the latest release candidate, including only documentation changed. Any issues should be reported on the issue queue. Please complete the issue template in full when reporting new issues.

2017-03-02 Update

The first release candidate for 1.0.0 has just been published. You can find the release on GitHub. If you are using composer, you should be able to simply run composer update. If you have pinned the library to a specific version, you will have to update that first.

Any issues should be reported on the issue queue. Please complete the issue template in full when reporting new issues.

Once I feel the library is stable, I will cut a stable release.

2016-12-30 Update

The first beta of 1.0.0 has been released! You can find the release on GitHub and you can update your composer to reference the new version. You can follow the 1.0.0 version with composer, so that it will be updated on composer update without having to constantly update the version by using "php-ews/php-ews": "~1.0.0".

Any issues with the latest release should be reported in the issue queue. If you haven’t already noticed, you will find that there is now a template for new issues. Please be sure to complete the appropriate sections as best as possible to ensure that you obtain the fastest support possible for your issue.

Once there have been no new issues for the beta for two weeks, an RC version will be cut.

2016-11-27 Update

A number of big changes to announce as the 1.0 version draws nearer.

  • Packagist has been updated to point at the master branch. I have retained the composer branch for those that still have yet to make the switch; however, it will be removed at the end of the year. If you have not moved to the master branch, I suggest you do so ASAP. You can use composer to pin a specific SHA using "dev-master#SHA".
  • All operations available in Exchange Server 2010-2013 have been added to the client. In addition, some properties that were introduced in Exchange 2016 have been added; however, due to the current lack of documentation, Exchange 2016 support is not complete.
  • A class map has been added for responses. As a result, the return value of operations from the client will now use the correct class rather than being an instance of stdClass.
  • A few typos in constant names have been fixed. This may affect you if you are currently using a misspelled constant.

To keep up to date with progress of the 1.0 version, check out the Version 1.0 milestone on GitHub.

2016-08-20 Update

The documentation for the 0.1 version has been moved to it’s new home at and the wiki has been updated to point at this page. The wiki will be disabled once I feel that enough time has passed, as the project repository has been updated with the new site as well.

The psr-4 branch has now been merged into master and all future development will occur there. To follow along with the development of the 1.0 version, please see the milestone in github.


Packagist will be updated to point at master rather than composer on September 20, 2016. If you are currently building with composer, this WILL affect you. Please begin to update your application to function with the current development code in master, as this will be the foundation for version 1.0.

2016-07-30 Update

The 1.0 version is finally starting to come together. All classes have now been namespaced and composer.json has been created. These changes have been made to the psr-4 branch, but will be merged into the master branch shortly.

If you are currently using the library via composer, then you have been working with the composer branch. There are some significant differences between the two. Once packagist is updated, your software will likely break if you do not update your code to match these changes.

All documentation will be moved to this new site. The existed wiki will be removed and its documentation will be retained here, along with documentation for the new version. All future updates will also be reported here.